Friday, 25 May 2012

Thank You for My Life-To My Mom!

Today, I thank my mom for giving me life and love.
  Fifty - One years ago this special lady gave birth to a bouncing ten lbs,3oz. baby girl, who the doctor and others thought was a boy or a set of twins, no it was just plain old me. This is why my name was shortened  Bob as I have a sister who was eight when I arrived so they referred to me as Bobbi instead of baby before I made my grand entrance, it stuck like glue.So I have been told mom had quite the time and if I had been a block head instead of a pin head there was a possibility neither of us would be here, so thank goodness for small heads it is easier to find hats any way.
   I have also been told for the longest time all I did was sleep, eat, pee and poop, then about six months later I gave them all a run for their money,more moves than a chicken full of ex lax.
   Mom taught me so many things and loved me enough to straighten me out when I needed it,( I still get a little worried when she takes off a shoe) ha ha, did not happen often but you never made the same mistake twice. Always after you where given a hug and told you were better than that. She taught my sister and I to be proud of who we were and to carry ourselves like we were somebody, still not sure who that somebody was, but I can tell you this our cloths hung much nicer when we remembered.
  We always grew a large garden and froze and canned a lot of vegetables,she even had a special way to get the peas shelled faster, we were told who ever got to the bottom of the wash tub full first could ride our bike to the corner store for treats for the rest. We thought this was cool so the race was on, was not till many years later that I realised how she played our competitive nature, and I called her on it and she just sat there and laughed thought it was the best joke because we never caught on until later when we grew up.
   She went back to teach when I went to school, and taught for a lot of years, but my sister and I both knew that if we needed a new outfit or dress that as long as we did our chores around the house and asked by Wednesday , she would make it for us, we might be going out the door with her tying off a thread but it would be done and beautifully so.
 She taught us to see things in the clouds, a piece of drift wood, how to make a canoe out of a pea shell,she'd let you fill your pockets full of stones and tell they where really neat.She taught 4-H for many years and has had the patience of Job.
   She is my best friend and I love her with all my heart she has seen me through scraped knees to child birth,to becoming a Granny . My Mom a lot of times never had to say much but led by example. Anything is possible if you are willing to work at it and towards it. Thanks Mom,I am still working at it. I love and thank you ! x0x0x0 God Bless May 25th 2012.

The Cattle Have Gone To Their Pastures!

Hi Everybody, Hope this finds you all well! Things have been pretty busy here.

  The cattle have gone to their different pastures, well not the bulls yet, that has been saved for this weekend.Last week Fuzzy and I had bonding time and I learnt more interesting language, did not know that there were that many cuss words. I am not sure what his problem was as it was me who was in the chute with the step dancing calves,and I still have the bruises to prove it.Took the two of us three days to get about  two hundred and thirty head vaccinated and sorted into different pasture groups and hauled out. Thank The Lord it is done!!!
lily of the valley for the month of may
My lilacs and a favorite old post card that was framed
   Getting some of the yard work done but a long way to go, having fun playing in the dirt,until I hear those little words BOB I NEED YA FOR A MINUTE..... Two hours later I am back in My happy place,but it is nice to be needed. The lily of the valley was pretty this year and had to bring some in, so that could enjoy it close up and personal. On one of the trips over to the other yard to help load the seed drill I remembered my nippers so I picked lilacs to bring home with me.Found an old white enamel jug to put them in and set them near the back entry to greet us on the way in so very fragrant. How many of us picked lilacs for our teacher on the way to school growing up,seemed a right of spring and the beginning of the end of the school year.
   Sunday was my day to clean the church, and I had three little helpers,the place shone and their momma wondered why they don't clean like that at home. Their response was but this the church it is more special,don't that beat all. Sunday after supper Fuzzy and I took Miss Lindsay horseback riding and were informed that she had to be home for eight o clock to watch the eclipse,cause daddy was going to let them see it thru the welding helmet. We were able to join in, and see it to, amazing!
    I found a different yarn this spring, so anytime I go with Fuzzy in the truck I have been taking it along and knitting when I have to wait, and when I can't be outside in the evenings or any down time so have some scarf made for the oh my goodness I need a gift box.
  Well the crop is in the cattle are in pastures so now I will have more time to work on the yard and enjoy the birds singing in the yard, Mom is moving down for the summer soon, so there will  be the occasional road trip,maybe a garage sale or two. but thank the lord life is very special.
     I have put up some pictures they are not the best,maybe I need a new camera or some lessons, but hope you can get the idea of what I am trying to show you.
These are the scarfs the green one is different yarn, finer.
   Take care and God bless!