Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Being Teased By Winter or Reminded She's on Her Way

Last week took some fall colour pictures, it was a beautiful day.Sunday morning we were greeted with a wake up call,SNOW, the ground was white with the stuff,kind of pretty but not really as we are not ready for winter. Yes I know that dear mother nature does not wait when she is ready to come she is a coming. Fuzzy's plans were to start getting all the pastures together this week so we could start weaning the calves It has been too warm yet to wean,we have found they do better if it is a little colder.. We started on Sunday moving the two west pastures together for the drive to the Dunn yard on Monday,they seem to move better if they have one day together.It went well after someone quit yelling orders into the wind which someone else could not hear and made a mistake of going the way it was first discussed,but the plan had been changed apparently.God bless all cattlemen who choose to work with their wives and children,as sometimes we could string them up(the cattleman that is).
 Monday we made the big drive with the help of our oldest, all the way I kept thinking this going really smooth, but kept it to myself till we got to our destination just in case. Got home and started pulling down the round pen,a little sad but its okay as I am getting a small barn for the horses,with a pen behind to work them,yeah! Some of our friends keep telling me its going to be a calving barn,but we will just see who wins out.Suppose to be starting on getting it built this weekend,I'll try and get some pictures of the progress;I am getting excited.
 Tuesday found us moving more cattle to the other place,by the time we got done was getting cold as it was damp and dreary but the snow was all but gone. Came home thinking homemade soup and an afternoon of baking, by 5 o'clock the house smelled  amazing, butter tarts and butter pecan cupcakes,gave the Fuzzy a taste and the rest hit the freezer.Just in time to do the chores and make supper.
I have decided to take a break from facebook for awhile, not sure if its a good idea or not but I want to give it a try see how it goes,will I miss everyone or will I make more of a concerted effort to visit with my friends in person. Sometimes think we are getting away from visiting and being part of a community to much,we think we don't have time, I'll  just check up on them on facebook or email them, need some face to face time me thinks. I let you know how it goes, my little experiment.
Take care and God Bless!
the snow was all gone,but its coming down again


  1. It looks like you've ben rather busy. I'm glad that our dairy cattle don't have to travel but we still have to winterize the barns for winter. Out winters are cold and long.

    I deactivated my Facebook account and it can be reopen any time if ever I need to and I don't miss it at all.

  2. How did I miss this one?!
    Well, it looks like winter's actually here now. Roll on spring!!
